Case of adenoids, acidity and dental decay
A child about 7 years old came with recurrent dental decay issue, the decay was in the lower milk teeth. I asked if she slept with mouth open (this dries the mouth and leads to decay). Mom said she did that and used to snore loudly. This pointed to adenoids.
So I asked if adenoids was diagnosed before, she said in a routine dental OPG adenoids were seen about 3 years ago.
Now adenoids in kids are caused by low grade H pylori infections so I asked if she had acidity bouts. Mom look surprised and said yes yes, its very bad, we give her antacids for this.
I put her on following meds
- low dose Hpylori
homeopathy amm carb (removes the ammonia the H pylori make to escape acid)
Next day morning her mom called to say that there was zero snoring and no requirement of any anta acid.
low dose ozone
sang can (if she did not eat on time she would get vomiting with a headache)
Next day morning her mom called to say that there was zero snoring and no requirement of any anta acid.