Desquamative Gingivitis
A 40 yr. old male patient came to dental clinic with complaint of Desquamative Gingivitis. The desquamation was extreme and the gingiva was inflammed and blood red. On taking history, patient was having bloating, burping, IBD, could not have spicy food. He had covid last April and that time he was given loads of antibiotics. After which his oral problems increased.
We started with homeopathy Lycopodium, Carbo veg, Asafoetida and Thuja along with Deworming. After that we started with low dose Interferon Lambda, Interferon Omega and Epstein Barr nosode to knock out the viral infections. Within a month the desquamation reduced from cm to mm.
Patient still had extremely sensitive gums. We gave Apis and started with Thuja 1M. His burning gums became quite normal and he was now able to eat spicy food.
He then started having some ulcers on the palate and buccal mucosa for which we gave him Arsenic album. He had a leison of atropic Lichen Planus at the pterygomandibular raphe, for which he applied topical curcurmin with vitamin E. His IBD was completely resolved. We next started with IL- 4 , Interferon Gamma, methylene blue and sepia. His gums are slowly recovering. Thank you Dr. Tariq for helping me with such a difficult case. Where normally treatment is symptomatic, finding the cause of the disease and eliminating the disease is not possible in ALLOPATHIC way.