Case of acute pancreatitis in a case with a hisotry of gall stones.

A patient had large obstructive gall stones -13mm in size. She had history of abdominal pain. Went to village and got food poisoning, had severe diarrhea.

Gave her ars+ipecac; the diarrhea stopped but she got right hypochondriac pain moving to back. She was vomiting. Checked lipase and amylase – both were 3600 plus. Asked to admit but the services in the village were not adequate, so she started by gall bladder combo. Within half an hr she stopped vomiting, mild abdominal pains continued. We gave the dose every 2 hourly.

After 2 days rechecked amylase and lipase and found it had dropped to normal, the bilirubin had also become normal. A drop is liver enzymes was also there. She still had some pain on movement with increased thirst; gave a dose of bryonia which completely cleared the pain.

This was a good case of acute pancreatitis mamagment.