Child with cough and insomia

A 6 year old girl came with cough at night only. She could not sleep due to the cough, her mom described it as dry so i gave a combination of spongia, drosera, gelsemium with the regular low dose antiviral. After a day it did’nt improve, so i took more history.

The girl was thin and had eating issues, would not eat well at all. I thought it can be parasites but had no anal itching or any parasite symptoms. I decided to listen to cough so mom recorded it.
Cough sounded like it had stuck sputum inside but only near throat area, I asked if there was nasal congestion, mom said no – so that rules post nasal drip cough.

Devided to give her gartner (failure to eat and thin kid), low dose H202 (for the minor sputum, excellent for night cough) along with hepar sul, Zincum aceticum 3x (she had white spots on nails).

After a dose she slept well at night and is completely well today.