A 28 year old drug addict patient had an extremely aggressive behaviour and used to break and damage his house. He also had bouts of vomiting and insomnia.
His father complained about him hallucinating and he said he is fighting demons when he was awake and breaks things in the house as he was throwing things at the demons.
Initially he started on homeopathy Nux Vomica 200c and homeopathy Aconite 200c and hyoscyamus 1M. After about 5 days his GERD symptoms stopped and he was able to eat. His sudden outburst of anxiety also reduced but his fighting with demons still continued. We added homeopathy Lyssinum and silicea 1M for him. After 4 days he was calmer and he didn’t fight any more demons. He is calmer now and his sleep is better and has become non violent
Father was amazed at what I managed to do for the son, he was in tears. Thank you Dr Tariq for your assistance on this case.
Note: Homeopathy Lyssinum is made from the rabies virus, patients who get rabies frequently get hallucinations of demons.