Case of recurrent fever

A 30 yr old had recurrent fevers at night with body pain. Covid test came negative twice, CBC showed a slight drop in WBC count. Fever profile – TB, dengue, typhoid, malaria came negative.

Took history – Patient said he has a large fungal lesion on his shin since 8 yrs.

Gave nat mur and anti IL 6 first day; he felt the fever reduce and body pains improve.

The second day sent him curzinc, tellurium, berberis in ticture. After a dose all fever went and so did the pains. The lesion is also healing.

Note : IL 6 is required to kill fungus, it was going high triggering fevers and joint pains, tellurium was chosen because his stools were very foul smelling.

Berberis was added because tellurium does’nt work particularly well on candida species without berberine