
An elderly patient with history of stents, hypertension and diabetes got COVID. He initially refused our treatment, his wife also had COVID. She was admitted with him in hospital. After 5 days she died. His SpO2 kept falling, and as SpO2 fell the hospital increased the dose of steroids. This rapidly increased the blood glucose to over 400. Insulin had no effect in lowering glucose. Due to fear of mucormycosis and secondary infections, the patient was put on voriconazole and antibiotics. This hampered his kidney and liver function.

Against hospital advice our practicing doctor in India got him out and kept him at home on high flow oxygen and started him on the proprietory antiviral covid combo, low dose VIP and Trichostatin A, homeoapthy nat sul (steroids had increased his total WBC count to 22k) and my NOX2 blocker (Imusil) which has the apocyanin from herb kutki.

After 3 days his glucose was normal and he was off external oxygen support. And later he recovered completely in a weeks time.

The entire chain of events started from mild covid for which he was put on azithromycin and ivermectin. Azithromycin had no impact on COVID but it increased ROS and caused inflammatio in liver and kidney. Ivermectin also did not help him. After the SpO2 dropped with azithromycin he was sent to hospital where he was put on steroids and the dose was increased every day without managing glucose and checking the increasing total WBC count. There was further stress to liver and kidneys with antifungals and antibiotics. His wife also died in a similar way with a admission CT score of mild COVID.