COVID in family

Would like to share a case of a 2 families who live under a roof. One of the teenagers was not vaccinated at all and another was. The two sets of parent were partially vaccinated and the mom of the teenager who was vaccinated was also boosted.
So the vaccinated teenager happened to get Covid 10 days ago and was quarantined at home in a room but everyone in the house went about their regular activities. I covered everyone with low dose antivirals 3x a day and imusil tablet twice a day.

The teenager with covid was treated as per protocol. The childs mum was caring for her child and at times accidentally falling asleep on the same bed. In the whole 1 week of illness none of the other family members including the unvaccinated teenager fell sick nor any of the adults and the maid either.
The sick child just tested negative after 8 days and is very well with no residual issues. The whole family also tested negative and remained well.

Tq Dr Tariq for the antivirals and imusil which served this family so well and warded off Covid effectively.