
Fungal infection

Fungal infection

38 years old lady came in with complaints of fungal infection, rash with itchiness.

She gave history that about 5 years ago her husband has this fungal and rash problem and she thinks she got it from her husband. She went many clinics & specialist medication but no improvement at all.

She came complaining of fungal infection on her buttock, private part & other body parts where it itches. It appears to have many follicles in her body; where she can squeeze it out the follicle. It look like vesicular infection.
She use to scratch on itchy part more and more, sometimes until it bleeds only feel comfortable.
No itchiness inside her private part but always has thick leucorrhea, sometime white, greenish, sometime has pieces of the greenish.

Her other modalities were :

  • difficult to sweat even in hot weather
  • constipation with dry and hard stools (she has been taking dulcolax or enema)

  • She feel her mouth dry but don’t like to drink water.
  • her appetite is good but she does not put on weight.
  • She doesn’t like cold weather.
  • Her itchiness happen all day, sleep is disturbed, sometime awaken from sleep due to itchiness.

She was on the following medications :

  • IV fluconazole weekly, IV Flagyl
  • Infusion normal saline, MVT, Vitamins C add piriton reduce itchiness.
  • T greasoflavin 500mg daily, T diflucon weekly -4 weeks, T zentel 2 weekly 4 weeks, T piriton at night Prn, T loratadine one BD

She still had not seen much improvement and came to see me.
I started her on low dose Anti fungal combo, Cruzinc and homeopathic Nat mur, Apis 4-4-4, Sulphur 4-0-4
After she started with these she was able to sweat but now the itchiness worsened with sweat. The difference is now she can withstand coldness now.

Blood test done – Igg & Ige normal, TWBC high

Dr Tariq advised to add in Morgan Bach 5-5-5, Sepia 200c 4-4-4, Riccinus, bismuth and Nat sul 200c
And he asked to stop low dose anti fungal combo.

Slowly her itching reduced and her fungal infection is also reducing slowly for her. She feel very happy. Thank you Dr Tariq

Note :

  • Antifungal was stopped bec the IL 9 was aggravating the allergy.
  • Sepia was used due to leucorrhea.
  • Riccinus and bismuth to stop acidity and improve her digestion.
  • Nat sul since TWBC was high.
  • Morgan bach since we could not use antifungal combo.
  • Apis was not required here since patient was not a hot patient and apis is not required in allergic fungal infections.
  • In fungal infections homeopathy tellurium is also very useful.

Nail fungal infection

Big toe fungal infection

The big toe fungal infection did not show much improvement with topical application of loceryl.

Dr Tariq advised to use the oral cytokine antifungal combo and oral cytokine IL7.

In less than 3 days the pain went away. The fungal infection also resolved and the big toe nail improved. The ingorwn nail healed up finally and was no longer brittle and chipped.



Scalp fungal infection

Scalp fungal infection

My 101 year old granny had a fungal infection on her scalp, very itchy. We gave her sepia and the antifungal combo. The fungal infection went away but she got very drowsy with insomia at night. We stopped both sepia and antifungal after a week, the scalp had healed by then but the drowsiness continued. She also started to get hallucinations which hyoscamus could not treat. For the night insomia my aunt who is an ENT gave her some diazepam which made her very drowsy throughtout the day, it also stopped her hearing. She could not hear or see anything after the diazepam dose so after 3 days we stopped it.

We then gave her ignatia 1m. After the first 2 drops dose she started hearing and seeing enough to watch a movie, the effect lasted for 2 hrs. We dosed her again and this time effect lasted for a long time, she became aware of her surrounding and could hear and see. She also slept well in the night.

Chose ignatia because strychnine causes the sudden breakdown of muscles and bones and body tissues. Since she is so old the tissue degeneration is rapidly progressing, ignatia has paused it a bit. The infection mustve triggered oxidation and increased breakdown. I can only hope ignatia given to her daily stops the rapidity of her degeneration and gives her better quality of life.



Diabetic patient with oral candidiasis

Diabetic patient with oral candidiasis

An elderly diabetic female patient presented with oral candidiasis. Past treatment of itraconazole, fluconazole, voriconazole did not resolve the infection. 

New treatment regimen included a full deworming course of the patient along with oral anti fungal combo drops. The deworming course included albendazole, nitazoxanide, ivermectin and praziquantel in a sequential manner. After 15 days of treatment the lesion cleared up completely.


Rationale : 

The deworming course made sure that her gut health is restored.

The oral antifungal drops is a proprietary formulation which includes a combination of homeopathic remedies, cytokines like GDNF, IL 9, Trichostatin, beta glucan and herbal extracts known for their strong fungicidal and fungistatic properties.

Targeting both helminths and fungal infection together was required to resolve the infection.