
Ductal Ectasia

Ductal Ectasia

A 49 year old menopausal lady complained of very tender breasts bilaterally with grey discharge from one breast. The blood test showed Epstein barr virus positivity and hormones confirmed that she was menopausal though estrogens were highish.

Her pain was very stinging in nature and she was rather haughty in nature often forgetting small things. She felt mostly better in a cold environment. The ultrasound confirmed blocked milk ducts suggestive of Ductal Ectasia and she had very dense breasts bilaterally with many cystic lesions.

I gave her homeopathy Silicea 30c, Apis 200c, Epstein barr nosode, Ruta 6x and Conium 200c all 4 drops BD and added the estrogen blocker too all 4 drops BD.

A week later on review there was no more pain, no more discharge and the breasts were both soft to palpate. Ultrasound showed no more fluid in the ducts with few scanty scattered cysts that were shrinking.

Note : The grey discharge helped diagnose ductal ectasia; post which sillicea (EGFR blocker), apis (COX2 blocker, stinging pain), ruta (ductal relaxant and antiviral), conium (proapoptotic agent) and Epstein barr nosode cleared the issues.


Low WBC and platelets

Low WBC and platelet count

A 20 year old boy came with fever since 3 days. His blood tests showed WBC count at 3,400 and Platelet count at 71,000 on 15th July. His dengue test was negative.
I gave him homeopathy Nat mur 200c thrice daily along with the low dose platelet combo.
In 4 days his WBC count increased to 5,800 and Platelet count increased to 2,56,000.










Vaginal dryness

Case of vaginal dryness

Patient had vaginal dryness since 2 years (post menopause).
We gave her homeopathy folliculinum, sepia, and low dose VIP.
It took 2 months of treatment after which patient reported that she no longer has vaginal dryness whatsoever, no itching, no burning, no coition pain.



Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis

A recent case of contact dermatitis of hands. Patient was given low dose Hydrogen and after a month the lesion completely resolved.



Parosmia post COVID

Case of parosmia in a teenage girl post COVID recovery

A young girl got symptoms of sewage like smell and taste while eating food. If she was having the food she liked (eg burgers) the smell would not come but on eating home made food the smell was so strong that she stopped eating. She would also feel feverish after eating and would then go to sleep. This was causing weight loss and difficulty in studying for exams since she was sleeping a lot.

These symptoms were there since a month. She had recovered from COVID about 3 months ago and hence the diagnosis was COVID delayed parosmia. Neurological examinations showed no issues. I gave her homeopathy nat mur with pyrogenicum for a few days but there was no change.

The sewage smell is usually due to olfactory lobe epilepsy triggered when one has to smell food. The normal medical treatment is high doses of gabapentin. She did’nt want to take gabapentin. Gabapentin modulates GABA and opioid receptors. The homeopathic which does this via increasing endorphins and enkephalins is staphysagria.

Yesterday she was given homeopathy staphysagria 1m. Today morning all complaints were gone. She has no foul smell, appetite is back, feverish feeling and excessive sleepiness has gone.

There is just one published case of delayed parosmia post COVID till date where the patient had these symptoms of sewage like smell on food. However there are many cases like this with ongoing issues of weightloss and debility.


The patient was well from staphysagria and then developed the foul smell again. On questioning about the trigger she said she had eaten some spicy food after which it restarted. This was a clear case of thuja. Homeopathy Thuja 1m was given for a week which resolved her issue.



Long COVID case

An elderly patient with severe COVID and on ventilator support had completely recovered with treatment of antiviral COVID combo and low dose VIP, Trichostatin A. But post COVID she developed myalgia and breathlessness. It improved with the antifibrosis combo but improvement stalled after a month. Patient would get breathless and SpO2 would drop to 80 after a short walk (previously she could not sit up also without SpO2 dropping).

On taking further history she complained of acidity, she would avoid adding spice to any food.

Gave her homeopathy thuja which fixed acidity and improved breathing further. SpO2 now increased to 85 after walking. But this improvement also stalled again after 2 weeks. We now added low dose klotho; and after a few days of klotho the SpO2 increased to 92 after walking. Even after the 6 min walk test the SpO2 stayed above 92.

Note : Klotho helps against lung oxidative damage. Even with glutathione and NOX 2 blockade which she was on the required antioxidant effect had not reached.


Deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis

Case of an ex nurse of a doctor – An athletic and fit man with no underlying conditions developed a deep vein thrombosis of the left axillary vein. He was put on warfarin for 3 weeks but the clot did not budge. We then put him on homeopathy Arnica montana 200c 4 drops BD for 2 months along with supplementation of Vitamin C and fish oil. His repeat ultrasound showed a clear and patent axillary vein.





A patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) started experiencing sharp chest pain located at the sternum. He gave a history of recent COVID infection. The lung X-ray showed bronchitis (perhaps COVID remnant) although he had no cough. His WBC counts were elevated with high parathyroid hormone (PTH).

He was given homeopathy nat sul and cal phos (for high PTH).

The sternum pain went away in a week’s time and his WBC count also started reducing too.



Breast cancer

Breast cancer

A triple positive breast cancer patient with recurrent breast nodules on a reconstructed site had lots of pain from one of the rather large nodules. She was HER2 receptor positive. Homeopathy Apis 1M was given as her mental features matched and the pain was stinging in nature.

We first gave a stat dose while she was on her IV drip and her pain almost immediately disappeared.

Later on the dose was increased to BD dosing. The nodule gradually softened and pain also completely resolved.



Endometrial cyst

Endometrial cyst

A 16 year old girl came in with severe dysmenorrhea and gave history of a 5×4 cm endometrial cyst in her right ovary.

I gave her homeopathy lycopodium 200c 4drops daily for 2 months with oral progesterone drops 10 drops from mid of her cycle for 10 days. This was asked to be done for each cycle. At 2 months follow up her cyst had completely resolved with no dysmenorrhea at her last menses.  

Rationale : Increased sympathetic nervous system (SNS) leads to cyst formation way before estrogen plays a role


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