
Congestive headache

Case of congestive headaches

A patient came with complaint of headaches. There was a sensation on congestion in head like blood filling up, the BP was high. It seemed a case of BP migraine where glonine should be useful.
I asked patient what makes it better. The patient said it gets better after passing stools, the patient also drank a lot of water with food and had a dry mouth.
Used to get sudden bouts of anger with face turning red and also lips getting red.

Headaches improving after passing stools is typically aloe.

Some headaches like this which are worse during straining can also be subarachanoid bleeding.
Her CT was normal but in many such cases the CT after 7 days is normal, the best way to diagnose is of course a lumbar puncture and look for xanthochromasia or RBCs in the CSF, however patient did not want to do that.

I was quite nervous here since the patient could be having a bleed and also seeing the high BP it was scary.
I still followed the modality of migraine better after stool and associated with anger, patient craving for water. Gave aloe 200c 4_0_0. After 3 days the migraine went away and the BP is also normal.

Note :

  • Aloe is a stimulant laxative, it moves the gut. It also at the same time dilates cardiac vessels, lowers vessel wall inflammation and stops bleeds. I am sure this case had a bleed but due to a lack of lumbar puncture cannot prove it.
  • The differentiator with pulsatilla for congestion is that pulsatilla patient has lack of thirst and no improvement after stools.

  • Gelsimium patient is not better after stools but afrer urination.
  • Sepia patient has improvement after vomiting.


Case of angina

Patient came with left hand pain and chest pain. Patient is obese and hot with history of diabetes. Patient complained of pain on rest too, she also had knee pains.

Acute angina remedies are lactrodectus, lachesis, sulphur (hot), arnica. I gave her a combo of this.
She also mentioned she had depression after her sons death, hence added ignatia.
Gave low dose epstein barr for the knee OA pains.

After 5 min her chest pains completely gone, knee pains about 60 percent gone.

Saved her from a probable heart attack, sent her for an ECG now.


Insomnia and poor erections

Case of insomia and poor erections

A patient with previous history of heart attacks came with complaints of waking up at 3AM in the night and having poor erections.
On checking his heart ultrasound I found that he had mitral valve regurgitation with pulmonary hypertension. No abdominal ascites, no liver enlargement was there.
This called for homeopathy naja and causticum. Both were given at 200c potency.
Next day his sleep became normal.
Erections improved and became normal in subsequent few days.
He will continue these 2 for life since a lot of cardiac damage needs reversal.





Another interesting case of my ex staff nurse’s mum who had a mild CVA post booster of Pfi Vac 3 weeks later. In early March she contracted covid and was left immobile in a wheelchair, depressed and lethargic just drinking milk for sustenance and refused to talk much.

So whilst waiting for blood work I started her on

CMV / EBV / emetine – oral low dose cytokines
Antiviral – oral low dose cytokines
LYCOPODIUM 200 c – as she was hypertensive

I noted that her heart rate was 140 to 150 per min and she was on warfarin. So added bisoprolol 2.5 BD and stopped the atenolol.

She has history of epilepsy for 20 years and was on carbamazepine as well so I added Causticum 200c BD and neurobion.

Her blood work came back and suggested hyperthyroidism with low sodium and chloride. So I added Neocarbimazole and NAT mur 200c BD

In 2 weeks there was some dramatic change. The patient started eating well, conversing with her family and she started to walk. Her occasional seizures also stopped and today she went shopping in a mall and walked all the way! Pulse rate is now 96 / min and BP 120/64 mm Hg.


Heart failure

Heart Failure

I have very interesting case to share of a lady who developed heart failure post 2 doses of Pfi Vac and became very severely ill with Ejection fraction of 32% after her boost shot.
She is a 66 year old Caucasian lady with long standing history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension and was in AF for several years; managed solely by the govt Dr’s but when she went into heart failure she was flown to Singapore to see a cardiologist who changed her meds and basically put her on lasix 20mg BD, entresto 50mg BD, bisoplrolol as well as apixaban. Over 1 month from seeing the cardiologist she began feeling extremely lethargic and her pro BNP levels were on rise (from 800 plus on diagnosis 2 months ago to 1300 a month ago then jumped to 1800 2 weeks ago). At this juncture they brought her to me. Her BP was low at 98/ 56 and pulse between 50 to 60 per min. Very minimal pedal edema and mild bibasal creps.

So I started her on the following

CoQ10 150mg BD
Thiamine 100mg daily
HGF 20 drops BD
CMV/ emetine 5 drops BD
Antivirals 20 drops BD
Solidago 200c 4 drops BD
Imusil 1BD (patient also has fatty liver)

After 10 days we repeated her pro BNP as she was feeling really good and was back to her normal activities. The pro BNP has halved! No more decreased effort tolerance on climbing stairs and no more pedal edema.

HGF and CMV with imusil were the key remedies here.


High BP

Persistent High BP

One patient (76 year old) with an Aortic dissection, extensive colonic diverticulitis, severe artherosclerosis with high calcium scoring has persistent systolic hypertension which refused to budge with lycopodium and calcium channel blocker. He is intolerant to both ARBs and ACE inhibitors.

The BP wud never budge from 140/80 mm Hg and sometimes 150/80 with no noted valvular heart issues.

I added homeopathy Calfluor 200c as suggested by Dr Tariq and within 3 days BP is now down to 112/70- 118/78.




79 year old with diabetes, hypertension, Ishaemic heart disease with no stents, valvular heart disease MR and previous history of breast cancer 3yrs ago. Her CMV IgG is unrecordably high with some EBV as well. She had 1 episode of angina few months ago (May 2021) which warranted hospitalization, but the cardiologist did not find any stenosed vessel. Hence with a negative angiogram he attributed the angina to hypertension. This subsequently subsided after I started her on low dose antiviral combo and the CMV, Epstein barr nosodes.

In July 2021 she completed her 2nd dose of Sinovac vaccine and within a month her insomnia was back, with anxiety, depression and mood swings. I couldn’t add sepia as her systolic BP was high but it was also labile managed with a calcium channel blocker and beta blocker. She has been on CMV nosode for 4 months now on and off but wasn’t consistent with the low dose antiviral combo.

This evening she came in with left sided chest pain radiating to back of scapula, BP was 160/60, pulse 90, SpO2 96 and very anxious. She was having sleepless night like never before .

Gave her homeopathy Lycopodium 200C 4 drops, Naja 30c 4 drops and amyl nitricum 200c 4 drops and external oxygen at 2 litres.

In about 20 minutes BP came down to 150/70, pulse 90 and oxygen didn’t budge. ECG showed ST elevations in all the inferior leads like the last episode.

So I gave Naja 200c 4 drops, anti IL 1 10 drops, dnase 10 drops and antivirals 20 drops. Repeated BP in 30 min. Patient was calm, BP at 130/70, pulse 84 and SpO2 100.

Patient refused hospital admission as there was no more chest pain. Wrote a referral just in case but she was doing fine at home.

I reckon the CMV reactivation post vaccine had a role to play in the angina, insomnia and mood swings thus far.


Supra ventricular tachycardia

One post vaccination case to share

2 weeks after her Pfizer shot, a 45 year old lady with past history of supra ventricular tachycardia (SVT) which had reverted spontaneously 2 years ago, came in with breathlessness and palpitations. She said it was worsening over 3 to 4 days and was not able to even walk a short distance.

Heart rate was 156/min and BP was 130/80 mmHg. ECG showed sinus tachycardia.

I gave her 4 drops of homeopathy ars album 200c. Ten minutes later pulse was 140/min.

I added nebivolol 2.5 mg and half hour later pulse was 136/min. She was still slightly breathless although her Spo2 was 98% on air.

So I decided to try the oral cytokine anti viral combo – 20 drops. After 30 minutes her heart rate decreased to 88/min and she was calm.

Next day I had asked her to come in for a blood screen. She was cheerful and not short of breath anymore. Heart rate at 66/min and BP 120/70 mmHg. I stopped the nebivolol and continued the oral cytokine anti viral combo.




A patient with a past history of cardiovascular issues and 30% ejection fraction developed a cough with hemoptysis. His scans showed an increased pulmonary hypertension of 90 mm Hg. It used to be at 40 mm Hg a few months ago (normal should be less than 30). He was given various cough medicines by the pulmonologist and cardiologist but the hemoptysis continued.

I checked his serum calcium level and ionic calcium. Both were low. He was on oral calcium tablets 1000 mg every day for a few months and yet it was low.

We gave him homeopathy cal carb 200c 4 drops once a day for 3 days. After 3 days the hemoptysis stopped and his cough reduced to almost nothing.

Rationale : High IL 18 can push calcium into blood vessels worsening atherosclerosis causing both the elevation in pulmonary hypertension and a reduced calcium levels. His  PTH and calcitonin were both normal. Calcium is required in blood clotting.

Cal carb blocked IL 18 allowing calcium to increase and clot blood also reducing pulmonary hypertension.