
Dental abscess

Periondontal abscess

I had a patient with a periodontal abcess. There were artificial dental crowns placed on both teeth and due to food impaction there was a periodontal abcess which was oozing out.
Ideal treatment would have been scaling out the abscess and surgical debridement.
The patient was going out so he called asking for temporary help.
I gave him my dental abscess combo of the following : homeopathy Ruta + gunpowder + belladonna + calendula + hepar sul 30c.

After 2 days the entire abscess has healed. Absolute miracle really.


This combo is useful for just about any dental abscess either periodontal or periapical.
If a root canal is required then it is definitely required and it should be done but using this combo we can heal the infection which otherwise causes the rootcanal to fail after few years.
In geriatric cases where treatment is difficult this can save them from pain and infection.


Recurrent oral ulcers

Case of recurrent oral ulcers

A patient came with a deep ulcer on tongue, he was young with no diabetes or other conditions. The B12 was normal, the ulcer recurred with high frequency; topical steroids had little effect.

I decided to use phoscoliv topically. Opened up the pill and applied on ulcer twice a day. After 4 days the ulcer completely healed. There was never complete healing before.

After a month there is no redness or recurrence. The phocoliv oil strongly blocks TNF in ulcers.




My staff was having very severe toothache with swollen left cheek. Her last two molars were very sensitive to touch. She planned to extract her tooth. I treated her with pulsatilla, belladonna and gun powder for 3 days. All her problem settled. We managed to save her her last 2 molars… this is the 2nd time i became her Dentist..hahaha

Note : Decayed teeth will require dental treatment and intervention, this only made it controllable till patient gets the required treatment.


Numbness after dental extraction

Tongue numbness after dental extraction

A 26 yr old patient reported with half sided tongue numbness following a dental extraction.
I gave him Hypericum perforatum 200C; twice daily. In only 7 days he reported 60%recovery and after 14 days 80% improvement in tongue sensation is found. Once all the sensations are back the remedy will be stopped.



Desquamative Gingivitis

Desquamative Gingivitis

A 40 yr. old male patient came to dental clinic with complaint of Desquamative Gingivitis. The desquamation was extreme and the gingiva was inflammed and blood red. On taking history, patient was having bloating, burping, IBD, could not have spicy food. He had covid last April and that time he was given loads of antibiotics. After which his oral problems increased.

We started with homeopathy Lycopodium, Carbo veg, Asafoetida and Thuja along with Deworming. After that we started with low dose Interferon Lambda, Interferon Omega and Epstein Barr nosode to knock out the viral infections. Within a month the desquamation reduced from cm to mm.

Patient still had extremely sensitive gums. We gave Apis and started with Thuja 1M. His burning gums became quite normal and he was now able to eat spicy food.

He then started having some ulcers on the palate and buccal mucosa for which we gave him Arsenic album. He had a leison of atropic Lichen Planus at the pterygomandibular raphe, for which he applied topical curcurmin with vitamin E. His IBD was completely resolved. We next started with IL- 4 , Interferon Gamma, methylene blue and sepia. His gums are slowly recovering. Thank you Dr. Tariq for helping me with such a difficult case. Where normally treatment is symptomatic, finding the cause of the disease and eliminating the disease is not possible in ALLOPATHIC way.



Deworming for dental issues

Deworming for dental issues

Hello I had a patient come in my dental clinic last week with acute pain in her molar. Started her root canal for that tooth. However she kept complaining of pain in her anterior teeth. Scaling of the teeth (cleaning) was done but pain was persistent. Her X ray showed mild bone loss despite any local cause. Started her on deworming course. Post deworming all her dental pain has gone, the inflammation of gums has also reduced.

Thank you Dr Tariq for the immense knowledge you are imparting !





A 38 year old female patient came with severe burning pain in the ear and mandible. Oral examination revealed an old failed root canaled tooth which was positive for pain on percussion. Re RC treatment attempt was deemed failure and hence the tooth was extracted. After the extraction of the tooth, her pain in the mandible had stopped but severe throbbing pain in ear still continued. Consultation to PG and ENT showed no conclusive diagnosis and treatment.

Homeopathy remedy Belladonna was started and patients’ pain subsided in one day. After 2 days the pain had completely gone.





A female adult patient came with a complaint of pain and bleeding in the lower gums. Scaling was done and full deworming course was prescribed. At the follow-up visit, clinical examination showed that the mucosa was back to complete health. She gave feedback that she no longer has issues of burping, gas, acidity or headaches which she was suffering from since a few years. 

Note: Many patients have puffy and bleeding gingiva despite extensive periodontal surgeries and regular scaling and hygiene practices. These patients usually have bad oral hygiene with complaints related to gastric problems. Oral cavity is truly the gateway to the whole body. Don’t miss even the slightest signs.

The deworming course includes albendazole, nitazoxanide, ivermectin and praziquantel in a sequential manner.


DNS / Mouth Breathing / Chronic Sinusitis

DNS / Mouth Breathing / Chronic Sinusitis

A 38 year old female patient complained of mouth breathing since pregnancy, atrophic rhinitis (torn skin of nostrils inner surface), bad smell in nose. She would wake up in the middle of the night gasping for breath and would wash nostrils with water to get the mucus out and to get relief from dry nose. She had 90% blocked left nostril with deviated nasal septum (DNS) and had been advised surgery by ENT. Patient could not undergo the procedure as her child was 9 months old and she was feeding the child.

She was prescribed homeopathy Luffa Operculata, Kalibichro, Lemna Minor and proprietary oral antifungal combo drops. In just 2 weeks the patient got relief and was able to breathe normally through both the nostrils. 

She was also suffering from chronic sinusitis since past 7 years along with severe headaches. Her chronic complaints also cleared up and her face and cheeks were not tender to touch anymore. She also reported that her recurrent sore throat infection had stopped and follow-up revealed that she did not have a relapse in 2 years after the treatment.  



Non healing oral ulcers

Non healing oral ulcers

A young female patient came in with a complaint of extremely painful oral ulcers. She had visited another physician who had prescribed her vitamin B12, analgesic for the pain and an antacid. She did not receive any relief and came into our dental clinic for a second opinion. She was also non responsive to topical lidocaine and topical steroids. The patient also complained of frequent burping. 

On clinical examination multiple ulcers were seen on the movable mucosa /parts of the mouth (tongue and lips). Marginal gingiva in the entire mouth was soft, puffy, extremely red and bled on slight touch.

Patient mentioned that ulcers started when she was stressed due to school studies. She described herself as one who needs consoling when stressed and likes to cling to a loved one for relief.

We postulated that her primary issue is indigestion which must have caused her acidity and thereby oral ulcers. All medicines were immediately asked to be discontinued. 

Treatment : Considering the burping homeopathic remedy lycopodium was given. Considering that the ulcers had central necrosis with burning, homeopathic remedy arsenic album was given.

After just 3 days, the patient reported that the ulcers almost healed and the issue of frequent burping also went away. Clinical examination after 7 days showed resolution of all the ulcers. 

Rationale : The ulcers were suspected to be stress ulcers since the patient was about to give her board exams and complained that stress was bad. Thus stress causing sympathetic excess triggered the ulcers. Lycopodium improved parasympathetic tone and arsenic album triggered rapid healing.

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