
Ignatia in baby

Ignatia in baby

I was seen by young parents about their first born having osteomalacia and was refusing feeding past one week. The infant will only drink milk during deep sleep. He totally refused feeding while awake. I was thinking of some trauma experienced by the baby while feeding which caused such refusal.
I explained to parents and gave 1 drop of ignatia 200c in the baby milk whenever baby feeds.
The next day afternoon,the mother informed about baby feeding back to normal as before until now. Only 1 drop of ignatia reverts it.🤩 Tq dr tariq.




I have the most amazing testimonial from my helper this morning…

She is a singer and she records songs in her room after work at night. I’ve been helping her release weight through my program, and she released 2kg over the past month. She said after 1 week of taking LSD and weight loss combo her mind is clear, her mood has improved, her singing has improved. Her income has increased from RM1500 to RM4000 over the past month. I’m blown away…


High SNS

High SNS

My patient who had been having vertigo, insomnia, high BP, anxiety and lack of confidence. She worried about what people thought of her and didn’t want to hurt peoples’ feelings. Today came back after 1 month.

She was just put on homeopathy lycopodium 4 drops a night for a month. Her BP had stabilized, she no longer has vertigo, she sleeps well, goes golfing and no longer worries what people think of her, I didn’t know that was a feature of lycopodium; I was only targeting the High SNS…hehe…

Incidentally she was on prophylactic low dose antiviral combo and homeopathy sulphur as she wanted to get her vaccine booster. Now all done today, so far no side effects, she used to be such an allergic patient. I have asked her to continue on the antiviral combo and sulphur for another week.


Nat mur

Nat Mur

I have a 25 year old girl with history of insomnia, hair loss, anxiety, depression, head aches, cries easily and prefers to be alone. She is chilly and prefers warm and not thirsty, has asthma to dust and cats. History of being apart from father (he has Alzheimers dementia) and he being trapped by his first family, she’s from the second.

So I started her on homeopathy nat mur 4 drops a day, and I added low dose progesterone 20 drops BD. As she has features of PCOS as well — hairy over the body, yet hair loss, irregular periods, oily skin with acne on the forehead. After a week she’s reviewed her anxiety and depression and panic attack has improved a lot, she stil can cry at times and her claustrophobia still there (feels trapped in a lift).

However the only thing is now her BP dropped too much. Normally she’s 120/80 but now she’s 80-90/70. Dr Tariq informed that nat mur is reducing the cortisol, so addition of adrenalinum will support her BP.




Had a patient who complained of perpetual migraine. Sometimes attacks would last for days altogether. And was suffering from it since many years. Gave homeopathy Nat mur and belladonna together now 9 days pain free. Thank you Dr Tariq for invaluable teaching.

Nat mur was indicated as he also has a lot of stress issues and ACTH was quite high.


HPV warts

HPV warts

42 years old lady who contracted HPV infection from her husband has practiced sexual abstenence for more than 6 months. She’s upset that he had transmitted HPV to her. She presented with vulval ‘skin tags’ out of the blue and was confirmed by gynaecologist it was HPV infection by smear test. She was told the HPV strain could lead to cervical cancer and was instructed 6 monthly pap smear for early detection plus do nothing in between. She asked me how long she has to keep observing and this uncertainty has made her stressful and anxious. I am unsure why the gynaecologist did not offer her gadarsil.

In either case she also gave history of right sided wobbly knees complaint when I discussed her case with Dr Tariq about the HPV issue (I thought there is no connection between her knees and her vulval viral warts). She was also easily fatigued with stress/physical exhaustion of keeping the restaurant buisness (husband and wife team) afloat with lessser staffs during lockdown. We gave her homeopathy conium, low dose antiviral combo and Epstein barr nosode (EBV positive). She defaulted follow up visit for 3 months. She ran out of most of the medicines less than 1 month ago. Today she showed up, apologised for disappearing/defaulting. At follow up visit she had completely forgottten she had wobbly knees and informed that her vulval warts have reduced in size more than 70%! Now gonna give her more conium to reduce the warts further till complete resolution. Thx dr T….




A patient contacted me 5 days ago, her issue was a rising blood glucose level. She has anxiety issues since 20 yrs after her father died. She was on tricylic antidepressants and an SSRI, beta blocker to reduce palpitations and a statin to reduce cardiac risk. Her LDL was never high. Despite the drugs she was always on edge, anxious all the time.
Tricyclic antidepressants are know to increase glucose levels so are the beta blockers and statins.
Gave her homeopathy Ignatia for grief and sepia to balance out serotonin.
In 5 days she has gone off the beta blocker and antidepressant and statin, no anxiety left anymore. She can sleep camly and her blood glucose also came normal.

The drugs were not important here, the diagnostic thinking was.




A friend of mine c/o itching post covid all over the body. After she lost her mother the itching became severe. Gave her Ignatia and itching stopped in few weeks. Same patient would vomit when in stress, has frozen shoulder, headaches radiating to neck. Gave her Sepia and she is much better with respect to other symptoms also.



Throat infection

Throat infection with panic

I did a case of homeopathy Ignatia, following is the message I received from patient.

“I am so much better dr. All symptoms gone so fast. It is unbelievable how a throat infection got better in 2 days. Yesterday i was like half dead n today i m so energetic. You are such a gift to this planet🌹🙏”

So she had throat pain, fever, loss of apetite and complained of palpitations while lying down. She was scared it was COVID and was in full panic state. I gave her homeopathy Ignatia and antiviral covid combo. After an hour her palpitations stopped and by next day her throat infection also resolved.



Anxiety in COVID

Anxiety in COVID

Had a 75 yr old patient with COVID, her SpO2 was around 90-92. I gave her homeopathy senega, pulsatilla (thirstless with cough), Ipecac (vomiting).

Next day SpO2 went up to 95. Vomiting stopped, cough improved and was drinking fluid but had no appetite.

Gave a 4 drops of ignatia and within 15 minutes she ate a proper meal after almost 4 days.

She had been put on almost 12 different meds for COVID which i stopped. Perhaps the 12 meds and anxiety together caused her the zero apetite.

Ignatia is truly a boon for COVID anxiety!

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