
Bell’s palsy

Bell’s Palsy

51 year old male diabetic patient who had left Bell’s palsy in 2020 and then Right Bell’s palsy post 2nd dose of Sinovac in July 2021. Then after booster Sinovac he developed lost of balance, difficulty in focussing and headache. Involvement of right cranial nerves 3,6,7 and problem of severe pain behind right eye.

I saw him about a month later and under advice from Dr Tariq gave low dose Lambda and homeopathy Causticum 200C and eye pain settled within 1 week.

Viral studies showed both EBV and HSV positive. Started on homeopathy Ars alb, Carcinosin, Jacaranda, Nat Mur & Merc solubis all at 200C 4-4-4 for HSV along with low dose EBV nosode and antiviral combo. In 1 week power of right eye showed improvement and by 3 weeks right eye essentially has normal function; when tested still weak at extreme of eye movement. Now left eye pressure borderline high so Eye combo and Lachesis given.




One guy had fatigue, bloating, can’t seem to loose weight becuase he’s too tired to exercise. Bowels were not entirely happy – sometimes soft sometimes not. I checked his EBV and CMV – both were present.

Started him on low dose antiviral, EBV and CMV nosode and tablet Imusil. Lo behold all the fatigue is gone, stools are better, he can exercise now and he has so much energy that he can’t go to bed. And he reported he no longer has back pain something he never realized he had until it’s gone !

I started the EBV and CMV slowly at 1 drop a day before going to 2 drops, I think we finally settled at 4 drops. It been a month now.


Headache due to sinusitis

Headache due to sinusitis

Would like to share my case….

I got severe headache last week with mild fever around 100. I didn’t do RT PCR but assuming COVID started with low dose antiviral combo, homeopathy ferrum phos, bryonia and tablet Imusil. After 2 days there was no fever. Fatigue was also improving with Imusil.

Now after 5 days only problem was severe headache behind left ear. Headache used to increase after food and after positional changes. I took homeopathy lachesis and conium yesterday. Today headache has completely vanished — this headache was due to sinusitis.


HPV warts

HPV warts

42 years old lady who contracted HPV infection from her husband has practiced sexual abstenence for more than 6 months. She’s upset that he had transmitted HPV to her. She presented with vulval ‘skin tags’ out of the blue and was confirmed by gynaecologist it was HPV infection by smear test. She was told the HPV strain could lead to cervical cancer and was instructed 6 monthly pap smear for early detection plus do nothing in between. She asked me how long she has to keep observing and this uncertainty has made her stressful and anxious. I am unsure why the gynaecologist did not offer her gadarsil.

In either case she also gave history of right sided wobbly knees complaint when I discussed her case with Dr Tariq about the HPV issue (I thought there is no connection between her knees and her vulval viral warts). She was also easily fatigued with stress/physical exhaustion of keeping the restaurant buisness (husband and wife team) afloat with lessser staffs during lockdown. We gave her homeopathy conium, low dose antiviral combo and Epstein barr nosode (EBV positive). She defaulted follow up visit for 3 months. She ran out of most of the medicines less than 1 month ago. Today she showed up, apologised for disappearing/defaulting. At follow up visit she had completely forgottten she had wobbly knees and informed that her vulval warts have reduced in size more than 70%! Now gonna give her more conium to reduce the warts further till complete resolution. Thx dr T….




Presenting my brother in law case

64 yrs old gentleman past history of Colon Cancer Stage 3 about 20 yrs ago in remission post op with herbal medicine.

History of fever for 4 days with joints pain and loss of appetite not responding to antipyretics, took RTK Ag for COVID 19, negatives for 2 consecutive days. Was on “Flu prevention” tablets and Arnica prescribed by one of the homeopath.

I asked my sister to bring back my brother in law for Dengue Serology. They only went back on Day 6 when the fever keep spiking and he became more lethargic.

Went to the clinic for dengue serology on day 6 of fever.
Positive Ig G and Ig M for dengue. FBC lymphopenia with platelets reducing from 140k to 72k. Low MCH, MCV.
FBP shows mild anisopoikilocytosis.

LFT shows features consistent with viral hepatitis (2 x increased in liver enzymes). CRP raised.

Admitted to hospital last 2 nights with loss of appetite, breaking bones and joints , rashes over abdomen, very toxic looking and have to be wheeled into the ward. All the homeopathies and vitamin supplements were confiscated and put under lock and key by the hospital.

Temperature lingers at 37.8-39C despite regular Acetaminophen.
Platelet going down from 72K to 28K within 12 hours. Drop to 25K last night.
Severe back pain.

Was on NaCl and Gelafundin infusion, regular paracetamol in the ward.

Consulted Dr Tariq and plan for
1) Eupatorium perf 1M 4_0_4 specific for dengue fever
2) Antiviral
3) Rhus Tox 4_0_4 for joint pain and itchy rashes
4) Platelet Elevator 20_0_20
5) Tablet Glothione 1_1_1 for back pain

Day 8 today
no more fever after 2 dose Eup Perf, platelet climbing up frm 25K to 38K today with 2 doses of platelet elevator, feeling more energetic, back pain reduced tremendously with 3 doses of Glothione and rashes subsided rapidly will increased general well being after 3 doses of Rhus Tox.

Awaiting to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow if platelets coming up further tonight.

Once again thank you Dr Tariq and Amanda who arranged on ‘smuggling’ the cytokines and homeopathy into the hospital.

An amazing short recovery for Dengue patient indeed!


Persistent cough

Persistent cough

Teenager complained of a very irritating cough and was treated by few Drs with inhaled corticosteroids which didn’t help. He did have history of dust allergy.

So I first gave her pothos and within a week about 50 percent of symptoms settled. However she still had the cough and when she started it wud be very hard to stop till she was tearing. I decided to give her 2 doses of levamisole 3 days apart.
The next week on review she came super happy as the cough had completely resolved.

Note: If cough is Long COVID symptom or other infection like TB then above treatment wont help much.


Sorethroat in 4 yr old

Sore throat in 4 yr old

A 4 year old came in with 40 degrees fever and mild sorethroat. I put in a PCM stat and gave homeopathy ars album, Covid combo 3 hourly and Phosphorus. The fever settled that day and the next day child went back to normal and was afebrile.




A family of 3 young children developed cough sorethroat and flu but tested neagtive for Covid. I gave all the children Covid combo 3 hourly, homeopathy sambuccus, phosphorus and ferrum phos for fever.

Within 2 days all the symptoms subsided. I guess it was influenza.



EBV, CMV in 4yr old

EBV and CMV in 4 yr old child

Been treating a 4yr old child with low dose CMV nosode for about 3months now. She has hearing and speech impairment frm birth. Her mum tested positive with high levels of EBV and CMV so I decided to try with both low dose eptein barr nosode for a month and low dose CMV nosode for 3 months. She also had been on Covid combo prophylaxis on and off.

The mother called me several weeks ago elated as she realized that the child began speaking more clearly and with better articulation as well as could hear better. The child does wear a hearing aide but had not responded as such previously. The mom took her for an auditory evaluation and discovered that she had regained 10 decibels of hearing and she was so so happy.


Type 1 Herpes

Type 1 herpes

A lady developed type 1 oral herpes 6 weeks post delivery. She was given pfizer covid vaccine during pregnancy.

As we suspected it to be post vaccination/delivery viral flare up sterted her on oral low dose Epstein barr nosode, antiviral combo and homeopathy suphur. After 4 days her lesions reduced drastically. It was continued till complete resolution was achieved.


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