


79 year old with diabetes, hypertension, Ishaemic heart disease with no stents, valvular heart disease MR and previous history of breast cancer 3yrs ago. Her CMV IgG is unrecordably high with some EBV as well. She had 1 episode of angina few months ago (May 2021) which warranted hospitalization, but the cardiologist did not find any stenosed vessel. Hence with a negative angiogram he attributed the angina to hypertension. This subsequently subsided after I started her on low dose antiviral combo and the CMV, Epstein barr nosodes.

In July 2021 she completed her 2nd dose of Sinovac vaccine and within a month her insomnia was back, with anxiety, depression and mood swings. I couldn’t add sepia as her systolic BP was high but it was also labile managed with a calcium channel blocker and beta blocker. She has been on CMV nosode for 4 months now on and off but wasn’t consistent with the low dose antiviral combo.

This evening she came in with left sided chest pain radiating to back of scapula, BP was 160/60, pulse 90, SpO2 96 and very anxious. She was having sleepless night like never before .

Gave her homeopathy Lycopodium 200C 4 drops, Naja 30c 4 drops and amyl nitricum 200c 4 drops and external oxygen at 2 litres.

In about 20 minutes BP came down to 150/70, pulse 90 and oxygen didn’t budge. ECG showed ST elevations in all the inferior leads like the last episode.

So I gave Naja 200c 4 drops, anti IL 1 10 drops, dnase 10 drops and antivirals 20 drops. Repeated BP in 30 min. Patient was calm, BP at 130/70, pulse 84 and SpO2 100.

Patient refused hospital admission as there was no more chest pain. Wrote a referral just in case but she was doing fine at home.

I reckon the CMV reactivation post vaccine had a role to play in the angina, insomnia and mood swings thus far.


Cold urticaria

Cold urticaria

A child came in with history of full body rash and angioneurotic edema which would choke him within 5 minutes of exposure to cold water.
Patient has had this repeatedly and was hence scared even in rains to venture out.
Patient also developed increased thirst with gluttony.
Gave homeopathy bryonia with nat mur.
In 2 weeks behaviour changed, gluttony stopped, increased thirst stopped and cold urticaria stopped.

Note : Vasopressin is blocked by cold temperature. When vasopressin is low there is increased thirst with gluttony, cold urticaria is frequent.




A patient with chronic alcoholism came with very high BP and diabetes. Triglycerides were very high at above 500.

He would frequently talk about old traumas and felt like murdering the people who harmed him. He would also suppress emotions and hold everything and finally would blast out. He had a poor attention span and he said his mind could not focus.

He was given homeopathy Phosphorus 1M (revenge seeking), staphysagria 1M (holding in emotions), Lobelia 10M (ADHD and alcoholism).

Within a week he was able to stop alcohol, which he had not done in 30 yrs and also was emotionally stable.

After the lobelia an old staph infection which was treated about 5 years ago flared up. I am now treating with low dose cortisol (low dose to remove immunosuppression), low dose hydrogen peroxide (catalse ability of staph is knocked off by it), staph 1m, belladonna+hepar sul+gunpowder and low dose akkermensia. He is responding well to this and skin is slowly healing.

Note :

This case shows how taking case history and etiology of alcohol drinking was extremely important to fix alcoholism.
He was given nux vomica by several homeopaths since the last 30 yrs but it didnt work because he was not a type A personality and had no features of nux vomica that matched him.

The lobelia 10m dramatically stopped the drinking within just one dose as it fixed the dopamine receptors.


GERD in infant

GERD in Infant and post partum depression in mother

My cousin had twins last week. The boy was spitting up milk constantly, diagnosed with GERD. Gave muriatic acid. We added one drop in milk bottle. In 2 days GERD stopped and he started drinking milk.

Mother got postpartum depression with crying bouts, and reduced breast milk secretion. Gave her homeopathy Pulsatilla. In 2 days her crying stopped and milk secretion is increasing by 20 ml everyday .



Sleep issues

Sleep issues

31yrs female patinet c/o lack of sleep after her husband started night duty at office. H/o waking up with slightest sound. Gave her Ignatia 200c from 4 days and her sleep quality has improved. She does not wake up at all in the night.

Note : To help shift workers who can’t sleep well during daytime you can use homeopathy Cocculus



Type 1 Herpes

Type 1 herpes

A lady developed type 1 oral herpes 6 weeks post delivery. She was given pfizer covid vaccine during pregnancy.

As we suspected it to be post vaccination/delivery viral flare up sterted her on oral low dose Epstein barr nosode, antiviral combo and homeopathy suphur. After 4 days her lesions reduced drastically. It was continued till complete resolution was achieved.



Desquamative Gingivitis

Desquamative Gingivitis

A 40 yr. old male patient came to dental clinic with complaint of Desquamative Gingivitis. The desquamation was extreme and the gingiva was inflammed and blood red. On taking history, patient was having bloating, burping, IBD, could not have spicy food. He had covid last April and that time he was given loads of antibiotics. After which his oral problems increased.

We started with homeopathy Lycopodium, Carbo veg, Asafoetida and Thuja along with Deworming. After that we started with low dose Interferon Lambda, Interferon Omega and Epstein Barr nosode to knock out the viral infections. Within a month the desquamation reduced from cm to mm.

Patient still had extremely sensitive gums. We gave Apis and started with Thuja 1M. His burning gums became quite normal and he was now able to eat spicy food.

He then started having some ulcers on the palate and buccal mucosa for which we gave him Arsenic album. He had a leison of atropic Lichen Planus at the pterygomandibular raphe, for which he applied topical curcurmin with vitamin E. His IBD was completely resolved. We next started with IL- 4 , Interferon Gamma, methylene blue and sepia. His gums are slowly recovering. Thank you Dr. Tariq for helping me with such a difficult case. Where normally treatment is symptomatic, finding the cause of the disease and eliminating the disease is not possible in ALLOPATHIC way.





A friend of mine c/o itching post covid all over the body. After she lost her mother the itching became severe. Gave her Ignatia and itching stopped in few weeks. Same patient would vomit when in stress, has frozen shoulder, headaches radiating to neck. Gave her Sepia and she is much better with respect to other symptoms also.



Deworming for dental issues

Deworming for dental issues

Hello I had a patient come in my dental clinic last week with acute pain in her molar. Started her root canal for that tooth. However she kept complaining of pain in her anterior teeth. Scaling of the teeth (cleaning) was done but pain was persistent. Her X ray showed mild bone loss despite any local cause. Started her on deworming course. Post deworming all her dental pain has gone, the inflammation of gums has also reduced.

Thank you Dr Tariq for the immense knowledge you are imparting !





Patient aged 27 complained of feeling unable to breathe, she would start crying during these bouts, it was as if her respiration would stop.
Chest X ray and lung function tests came out normal. There was no diagnosis for her condition. Few years ago she had suffered from same issue; it had resolved spontaneously in about a month. But this time it was more strong issue and was not going away.

Blood tests showed a high LDL, so we started her on low dose evolocumab with folliculinum. Next day she was feeling better but not fully recovered.
On asking menstrual history she said that the periods were scanty. Homeopathy Sepia was the obvious choice considering the estrogen was low (and LDL was high). Sepia 200C 4_4_4 was given for a day.
The next day all breathlessness had resolved. Now its been a month now with no breathlessness issues. The periods were back to normal self.

Note :

  • High LDL in women indicates low estrogen (their menstrua history and blood test is used to diagnose).
  • Low serotonin can cause panic attacks which look like hypoxia and breathlesness.

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