


A family of 3 young children developed cough sorethroat and flu but tested neagtive for Covid. I gave all the children Covid combo 3 hourly, homeopathy sambuccus, phosphorus and ferrum phos for fever.

Within 2 days all the symptoms subsided. I guess it was influenza.





One 45yr old CA ovary patient in remission with multiple lipomas has very resistant fatty liver despite many things. Finally added Cholesterinium 200c and pulsatilla 200c BD as she has no thist and is very weapy and has hemorrhoids. The lipomas softened and is almost gone in about a month now.


High BP

Persistent High BP

One patient (76 year old) with an Aortic dissection, extensive colonic diverticulitis, severe artherosclerosis with high calcium scoring has persistent systolic hypertension which refused to budge with lycopodium and calcium channel blocker. He is intolerant to both ARBs and ACE inhibitors.

The BP wud never budge from 140/80 mm Hg and sometimes 150/80 with no noted valvular heart issues.

I added homeopathy Calfluor 200c as suggested by Dr Tariq and within 3 days BP is now down to 112/70- 118/78.


Post Vax COVID

Post vaccination COVID

A patient who had contracted Covid 3 weeks after receiving his booster shot with Pfi. He has flu and rhinitis with alight desaturation as he presented on day 4. His previous SpO2 always hovered around 95 to 96 as he is a stroke patient. So I started him on antivirals 3hourly, klotho TDS and Senegal BD.

Two days later he repeated his PCR privately as his daughter wanted to take care of him and guess what it came back negative! In 48hrs he turned negative. A day later his saturation strated picking up to 97 and it’s been a week now and SpO2 is now 98 on air.


EBV, CMV in 4yr old

EBV and CMV in 4 yr old child

Been treating a 4yr old child with low dose CMV nosode for about 3months now. She has hearing and speech impairment frm birth. Her mum tested positive with high levels of EBV and CMV so I decided to try with both low dose eptein barr nosode for a month and low dose CMV nosode for 3 months. She also had been on Covid combo prophylaxis on and off.

The mother called me several weeks ago elated as she realized that the child began speaking more clearly and with better articulation as well as could hear better. The child does wear a hearing aide but had not responded as such previously. The mom took her for an auditory evaluation and discovered that she had regained 10 decibels of hearing and she was so so happy.


Crohn’s patient

A case of cholestrinum in a Crohn’s patient

I had a Crohn’s case who had kidney and gall bladder stones. The patinet had stabilized the Crohn’s with nitric acid and low dose ustekinumab, IL 10 and anti IL1.

The anal fistula cuould not be solved since once the destruction happens and epithelial invasion happens in the stroma it is difficult to reverse.

The patient had stones and started having weight loss even though the calprotectin was normal.
The etiology is that in Crohn’s disease which affects the ileum there is loss of fatty acid absorption along with loss of bile acid absorption. This cause fatty acids to remain in the colon. These fatty acids bind to calcium and allow oxalate to enter the body. There they precipate to form stones. The gall bladder forms stones since bile resorbtion is slowed.

Homeopathy cholestrinum was given which improved weight and the gall bladder pain went.
With additional physalis, lycopodium and berberis the stones slowly came out.



LSD in cancer patient

I had a cancer patient with remission. However the patient had persistent anxiety of cancer recurrence. Was always scared and at doctors apoointment the fear was very bad.

Low dose LSD was given for 3 days. By the 3rd day patient said the anxiety has lifted….”I am not worried, I know the cancer can come back but its not there yet, when it is back I will worry then, it is time to enjoy my life now.”

A remarkable shift in perspective.



Collagen pills

Collagen pills

Before and after pics of my patient with pimples.

Skin has become taut, pores have become less, tone is clear, pimples reduced, constipation reduced, fine lines less, hair is glowing, patient is looking younger and happy with the results.



Deviated nasal septum

Hello case of my husband.

He would c/o blocked nose in the morning daily from many years. I was giving him many things anti fungal combo, nat mur, lycopodium. This improved it very mildly but did not stop. Later he mentioned he was advised surgical correction of DNS many years ago. Started with Cassia Sophera he is NOT snoring any more. 😁😁😁

Now I get sound sleep too 😉





A patient contacted me 5 days ago, her issue was a rising blood glucose level. She has anxiety issues since 20 yrs after her father died. She was on tricylic antidepressants and an SSRI, beta blocker to reduce palpitations and a statin to reduce cardiac risk. Her LDL was never high. Despite the drugs she was always on edge, anxious all the time.
Tricyclic antidepressants are know to increase glucose levels so are the beta blockers and statins.
Gave her homeopathy Ignatia for grief and sepia to balance out serotonin.
In 5 days she has gone off the beta blocker and antidepressant and statin, no anxiety left anymore. She can sleep camly and her blood glucose also came normal.

The drugs were not important here, the diagnostic thinking was.

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