
Pre auricular fistula

Reccurent preauricular infected fistula

A 19 year old girl with reccurent preauricular infected fistula for few years.
She was operated twice by GP in Sarawak.
Same problem started on 28 may 2022. I treated her with cal phos and gun powder.
At her last visit few days ago her fistulas has closed. thanks to Dr Tariq

Note :

  • cal phos is the go to med for fistulas
  • gun powder works well for pus filled infections
  • gun powder can be used both orally and topically


Non bleeding Piles

Case of non bleeding piles

A 34 year old female patient complained pain, discomfort and swelling in the anal area due to non bleeding piles.

She could not tolerate spicy food so gave her Thuja 1 m. She got 90% relief in 3-4 days.



Feeling scared

Feeling scared

A 25 yr old female patient called me saying that she is very worried that she might again start feeling scared as she had in the past (5-6 years ago). When asked what she would be scared of, she could not say anything. She said she was just feeling uneasy, was not able to sleep properly and had lot of headaches.

I gave her low dose LSD and Nat mur. After her week her worries are gone.


Anger and crying bouts

Anger and crying bouts

A female pt aged 39 was having bursts of anger and crying bouts for no apparent reason. Told me she felt better when she exercised. I gave her sepia 1m which made her feel little better.

On further taking history said that she could never get pregnant because of her endometriosis and in the past also she had taken meds for depression. I added Ignatia 1m once a week and Nat mur 200c daily. Her anger and crying bouts stopped, husband is relieved.

Note : Several women have anger bursts and sudden crying – sepia,ignatia and natmur are the mainstay of all such cases



Chronic constipation

A case of chronic constipation since childhood

The patient is 24 yrs old female, she would pass stools once a week that also only after taking very high doses of laxatives. All her colonoscopy and endoscopy reports were normal.

I started her on deworming, gut cleanse, sanicula, VIP after which she started having bowels 3-4 times a week.

Then one day she told me casually that she gets headache because of her constipation. I asked her if she was formula fed to which she said yes. I added lac defloratum 1m and also gave Nat mur. Her constipation issue is resolved, passes stool daily now.




A lady in her late 30s reported with chief complain of Alopecia since last 7 yrs.

After covid, the patch started increasing in size. She had history of full body itching – itching till it bleeds. She also has hypothyroid, hairfall, dandruff. According to the history we started with lyco, sulphur, staphy, sepia and deworming was done.

Within 12 days slight blackness was seen as in pic 2. We further asked her to start gluten free diet. To which she responded well. We then started Wheatgerm med and Arnica, alumina and natmur along with vit D n polybion czs. She still had some itching on skin. We then started with petroleum for extremely dry skin and phytolacca as antifungal. And lastly gave her Immusil.

You can see the progress in alopecia patch with subsequent photos. 


Aconite in baby

Aconite in baby post COVID

A 4 month old baby had covid a few weeks ago, I treated her with antivirals and gelsemium (cough worse lying down), she recovered in 2 days.
Post covid she developed anxiety, was always crying and wanted to be held, developed a red large boil on forehead. I first gave chamomille but it didnt help, after 3 days of chamo I gave aconite. The same day she slept well, the next day the red boil on forehead also went away.
Perhaps covid is not just creating anxiety due to psychological fear but some other physiological pathway too, the baby was fine during covid and responded very fast to treatment, had no suffering at all, also the boil on forehead was a weird condition.
It was shown to a pediatrician, the doc said he mustve bumped her head and hence the anxiety, however no such bumping had happened.


Acute panic attack

Sharing a case of Aconite for Acute Panic Attack.

A 22 year old male college student drove home in a panic state as he developed high grade fever in the college. Few of the dorm mates were down with COVID 19 infection and went home for quarantine.

As he approached the parking lot, he called upon his mother telling her that he was about to faint. He was in anguished state, red faced, breathless and body was hot upon touching and the parents had to dragged him to his room.

Upon taking the blood pressure using sphygnometer, patient suddenly developed carpo pedal spasm, unable to talk and was whispering to take him to hospital, muttering that he is dying.

Given Aconite 200c 4 drops, antiviral 20 drops, Belladonna 1M 4 drops. He was restless and keep pestering the parents to bring him to the hospital, pointing to his jaw, saying that he was about to experienced a lock jaw.

Second dose of Aconite given 5 minutes later. Within few minutes, he was able to communicate clearly, no more carpopedal spasm, breathing properly and starts talking that he was afraid that he was about to die due to COVID 19. He was relating to previous history of his grand father who died due to COVID19 in March this year.


Diabetes in smoker

Diabetes in smoker

46 year old diabetic who has had an average HbA1C between 11 and 14 for the past 3 years under a physicians follow up. He is a chronic smoker as he is a long distance lorry driver. He was previous on s/ c insulin mixtard 20 IU at night janumet 50/ 1000mg bd and diamicron 160mg daily.

Stopped the janumet as he was having serious GERD issues despite being very thin. Stopped the insulin.

Added a SGLT2 inhibitor and kept with the diamicron. Added imusil 1 bd and dorza 20 drops bd and akkermansia 10 drops bd. The sugar levels have been gradually coming down and after 5 months for the first time hba1c is 6.4 and post prandial glucose is less than 8.

We also added cal phos and bryonia bd as he was constantly thirsty and had bad bone pain. All his symptoms has resolved including his insomnia. He smokes lesser these days and feels more alert.

He is also on a mix of alpha lipoc acid with vit b12.

Note : add alumina for smokers – they tend to have aluminium overload, considering the low calcium aluminium toxicity will be high.


Post vaccination arthritis

A case of post vax arthritis.

A patient with previous history of HIV (was on drugs for HIV) came with joint pains. Pains were in his fingers and knees. Pain started last year post the covid vax. He was also on HCQ and methotrexate.
Methotrexate had damaged his liver, his GGT and ALP were 5 times their normal levels.
He said the pains were worse on eating sour foods.
Gave him crotalus horridus 10m (intense acute pains), as he sat in my chair the pains reduced by 50 percent. Within 2 days all the pains have gone.

Treating his liver now with berberis+cardus and phoscoliv with curzinc. He also has BPH and hence curzinc will be useful there too

Note : For drug induced liver toxicity these 4 are very effective – berberis, cardus, phoscoliv and curzinc (removes infections). Berberis is useful in liver toxicity, cardus stops toxins from entering hepatocytes by blocking the oat2 receptor in liver.

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